In the Media
Insights into consumer behavior. Boston College Magazine. (2016).
In purchasing negotiations, pairs of men lean to the extreme. Negotiation Briefings Newsletter at Harvard Law School. Harvard Law School. (2016).
Here’s the Unexpected Way Gender Impacts Negotiation. Time. (2016).
Want to Reach a Compromise? Add a Woman to the Conversation. Time.​ (2016).
Is Compromise More Likely When Women Are Part of the Decision. HealthDay.​ (2016).
Women really do get the better deal: Couples are more likely to receive a discount if one of them is female. Daily Mail.​ (2016).
Men can’t compromise without women around. Washington Post. ​(2016).
Want a good deal? Get a woman to negotiate. The Telegraph. ​(2016).
Struggle with these 7 Bad Habits? There's an Easy Fix. Canadian Living Magazine. (2016).
10 simple ways to continue your new year resolutions. (2016).
New study finds simplified nutritional labels spur healthier choices in grocery stores. Medical Xpress.​
(2016). -
A Simpler Nutrition Label Could Change The Way We Eat. Huffington Post. (2016).
​Holiday Survival Guide: Ten planning tips to have more joy and less stress. AARP’s Life Reimagined website. AARP, Inc. (2015).
Trying to learn from your mistakes might be a big mistake, study says. Fox News. (2015).
How to Avoid Saying "Oops, I Did It Again". Epoch Times. (2015).
Trying to Learn From Your Mistakes Is a Big Mistake. Newser. (2015).
Dwelling on Bad Decisions May Lead to More Bad Decisions. Inverse. (2015).
New research shows remembering self-control failures leads to repeat failures. Medical Xpress. (2015).
Can You Resist Temptation? Recalling Times You Demonstrated Self-Control Can Affect Your Future Choices. Medical Daily. (2015).
How to keep negative thoughts from sabotaging your diet or your life. Easy Health Options. (2015).
Scientists have found a new trick for completing your goals. Quartz. (2015).
Repeat Failures for Those Who Remember Lapses in Self Control. (2015).
Findings challenge conventional wisdom that our past mistakes can lead to better decisions. NewsMedical. (2015).
Rehashing Self-Control Failures May Lead to More Failures. PsychCentral. (2015).
What are some tips for celebrating Valentine’s Day on a budget? (2015).
Couples’ Spending and Valentine's Day. WGBH Boston Public Radio. Boston, MA. (2015).
Couples’ spending on Valentine’s Day. WRKO. Boston, MA. (2015).
BC Professor Analyzes Joint-Decision Making in the Workplace. The Gavel. (2015).
Media Contribution Activity. Allure. (2014).
BC’s Consumer Insights Panel Seeks Eager Eagles. The Gavel. (2014).
An article about the Consumer Insights Panel. Chronicle. (2014).
Couples fall to the lowest common denominator: Fat and lazy partners make you that way too. Daily Mail. (2014).
Projets de couple : se motiver à deux, inutile et inefficace selon une étude. Huffington Post. (2014).
Why Couples Often Fail In Fitness And Finances. Forbes. (2014).
Will a Partner's Low Self-Control Rub Off on You? Probably. ABC News. (2014).
Your Gym Membership Is a Waste of Money. Time. (2014).